Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Maybe this is why my parents call me "Nega-Tori".

I think that I'm definitely closer to being a Dark Romanticist than a Transcendentalist. I agree with the Dark Romanticist's belief that there is a major flaw in Transcendentalist thought - sometimes people do things that are just plain bad, so how is that possible if we're all a part of God? God is not supposed to be evil; God doesn't murder, or steal, or go insane. God may be pure, but people are most certainly not, and therefore separate from God. People do go insane, bad things do happen, and within everyone there is the possibility of evil. This all sounds very dark and brooding, but it's just sort of a reality. I'm not saying that there isn't good in the world too, I'd like to think that there is more good in the world than bad, but the bad does exist.

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