Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer pages 1- 768

This book wasn't very good in my opinion. Meyer took the story in a completely new direction, and it was just not very good. She diverted away from everything I liked about Twilight. Everything was just too perfect, it all worked out so sickeningly sweet in the end. Meyer got rid of all the turmoil and stuff that made the books interesting. I don't want to read a book about two people who are in love and everything just is awesome, it's not interesting, or realistic. I mean, a vampire falling in love with a human and not sucking her dry isn't very realistic either... The very fact that the book is about vampires is unrealistic, but even if I'm reading a book that's fantastical I want the core of the story to be based in reality. I read this book called The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold over the summer. The Lovely Bones is a book about a girl who is murdered and what happens to all the people left behind, and it's narrated by the dead girl while she's in heaven. The premise is supernatural, but I never felt like it was weird... Until the end when she COMES BACK TO EARTH IN SOMEONE ELSE'S BODY! I was immediately put off. It was just too weird... It made the book end perfectly... and I didn't like it. Endings make or break a book for me, or in the case of Breaking Dawn, a series. So I loved Twilight but I feel like the book got steadily worse as they went on. Breaking dawn was still really good, but just not as good as it could have been, or anywhere near as good as Twilight. Twilight was amazing, New Moon was really good, Eclipse was good, and Breaking Dawn was just okay.

P.S. The whole baby thing just creeped me out a lot... I did not like it.

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