Monday, September 1, 2008

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer pages 29 - 544

I read all 544 pages of this book in less than a week. Needless to say I was slightly obsessed. You most likely saw me reading it more than once around the school; in classrooms, hallways, the parking lot, ect... Stephanie Meyer sucks you in, grabs your attention, and never lets go. Twilight is classic story of true love, but with many obstacles. Think Romeo and Juliet, but instead of dueling households being in the way, Romeo is a vampire and he's trying to keep Juliet from being sucked dry by fellow vampires. So really it's nothing like Romeo and Juliet except for the troubled love part, haha. Everyone I've spoken with about this series of books has proclaimed their love for it, they've also all been females. I think this book appeals to girls more than boys, because even though it's about vampires, it's more about love. It's been my experience that boys aren't as interested in the touchy-feely literature. Pages 29 through 544 is a large area to cover, so I'll just give you a brief synopsis. Bella, the female lead, and Edward, the male vampire lead, fall deeply, madly, and all encompassingly in love with each other. Edward kind of really wants to drink her blood though, so there's the daily struggle of him being anywhere he can smell her and controlling his urge to attack her and steal her life. Other than wanting to kill his lady love, there's another problem. Another vampire thinks Bella smells pretty delicious too, so now Edward has to save her from himself as well as this other guy. The story ends dramatically, with Edward saving Bella just in the nick of time. Of course a new issue arises though, who would want to read the sequel if everything ended well? Bella wants to become a vampire so she can be with Edward forever and ever, but Edward can't stand thought of it. So that's where I am now, I'm waiting for my co-worker to bring her copy of New Moon to me so I can continue the saga. Somehow this book sounds very silly when I explain it, but I still really like it.

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